Hey there! I thought it was about time I posted an about me section and let you all know a little more about me.
My name is Jaime, I'm 25 (clinging on for dear life on that one) and I'm a beauty junkie. I swear, I was born with lipgloss on. My love has grown into a full-blown obsession and I just had to share my obsession with the world. Sick of all my favorite beauty blogs disappearing seemingly overnight or going on long hiatuses without warning I decided to start up my own blog and share my favorite beauty products with everyone.
I live cosmetics, brands high and low, and I have an opinion on everything. Parlaying my love of writing and cosmetics into one was the smartest move I've ever made. Both are such a huge part of my life that it only makes sense to roll them into one.
If you have a product you'd like for me to try please email me @ drugofchoicebeauty (at) yahoo (dot) com. I'll try anything once, anything I need, think I need or that my readers might not be able to live without. You never know where you'll find your newest beauty obsession.
If you'd like to see a product featured on DOC or get my opinion on anything, drop me a line and I will be glad to answer any questions you have. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or just general advice, I'd be glad to hear it. Please email me and keep things respectful, I will get back to you as soon as I can.