Wednesday, April 13, 2011

MAC Quite Cute

I haven't been this excited for a MAC collection in a long time, and that's saying a lot. I'll admit I'm not a MACaholic like most girls, I can take it or leave it. The only product I could not live without (as in use pretty much daily) are their Mineralize Skin Finishes. Since I'm so fair these babies work wonders as a shimmery blush to make my skin look alive and glowly, otherwise I'd be a dull, dry, pale mess.

How cute are these? I mean, I know that's the point but come on, they're almost too cute to use. I know I'm not cool enough to rock pale purple on my lips or mint green shimmer on my cheeks but everything else I'm on board with. I've seen swatches all over the blogosphere and I'm just dying to buy it all. Too bad MAC prices are way out of my budget right now, of course, so is everything else. I'm on a strict no-buy until I can find another job and even then most of my cash has to go to paying down my debt, even less fun when MAC tempts me like this.

I can't wait for spring, full on SPRING. I'm not one of those girls that adheres to the seasons and decides on makeup and hair choices based on that but I'm dying to rock an Easter egg color on my nails, perhaps some baby pink lipgloss. It's about damn time.

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